SPCMT Rulebook


  • There will be 2 officials in every game.


  • There will be a person there in charge of playing music between games and between the whistles in each game. You can request a song/artist be played in the Stanley Ponder Memorial Cup Tournament Facebook group a few weeks before once the thread for music has started.


  • There will be a scorekeeper present all evening. He/she will be keeping track of goals, assists, points, goals allowed, etc.
  • It is the responsibility of any player who scores a goal to skate to the scorer’s table and inform the scorekeeper of their own name and the name of the player, if any, who gave them the puck.
  • No more than one assist will be awarded on any goal.


  • There will be 5 teams comprised of 8 skaters and 1 goaltender.

Game Schedule

  • Each team will be guaranteed a total of 4 games.
  • Each team will play each of the other teams once for a total of 5 games in a round robin format to determine the seeds for the playoffs.
  • The team which finishes in 5th place after the round robin portion of the tournament will be immediately eliminated.
  • Please go here to see the tournament schedule.

Midwest Sport Hockey Rules

  • These rules are not negotiable. Failure to comply can result in your ejection from the tournament without refund and could keep us from having any tournament again in the future.
  • If you show (as a player or spectator) that you cannot handle your alcohol, you will be ejected from the tournament and building and you will not receive any type of refund on any money you have spent. Do not get so inebriated that you become a danger to yourself or anyone else on the rink or in the building. Also, you must conduct yourself in a respectful manner, on or off the rink. This will be strictly enforced.

Game Rules

  • Each game will consist of two 15 minute (running clock) periods.
  • The clock will only stop during the last minute of games which are either tied or within 1 goal.
  • The referees will be given latitude to determine if the clock should stop for any other reason (puck out of play, injuries, etc.).

Time outs

  • Time outs are not allowed in round robin games.
  • One 60 second time out is allowed per team per playoff game.

Puck out of play

  • The whistle will be blown and play will be stopped if the puck touches the high netting above the glass at either end of the rink.
  • For the sake of clarity, the whistle will be blown and play will be stopped if the puck touches anything above the boards or glass.


  • Regular house league penalties will be called during the tournament.
  • Players will serve the appropriate amount of time in the penalty box as determined by the officials.
  • Fighting will not be tolerated. The referees will have the power to eject any player from a game for any reason (not just fighting). If this happens, you are done for the night and you will not receive any type of refund.

Tied Games

  • Round robin games ending in a tie will remain a tie.
  • Playoff games ending in a tie will immediately go to a 3 man NHL style shootout to determine a winner.
  • All players except for the current shooter and the goaltenders must remain completely inside their bench during the shootout.
  • Each shooter should immediately go to the scorer’s table after their shootout attempt and tell the scorekeeper their name.

Prizes and Awards

  • During the next day or two after the tournament, all players should text or e-mail Jason Miller (jasonmillersrh@charter.net) their choices for tournament MVP and Most Outstanding Goaltender.
  • All players will be informed of the results of the voting as soon as possible.

Secure a spot in the tournament! Check out the Play in the Tournament page to figure out how.

SPCMT Player List


  1. Jeff Ponder (C)
  2. Jake Parks
  3. Jason Miller
  4. Adam Gold
  5. Andy DeClue
  6. Dan Crouse
  7. Bob McCoy
  8. Alex Seligsohn
  9. Jesse Christmann
  10. Scott Robben
  11. Matt Amsden
  12. Joe Wolf
  13. Nathan Boyer
  14. Joey Heck
  15. Greg Hotard
  16. Tim Hendrix
  17. Shane Thorson
  18. Craig Plefka
  19. Andy Maus
  20. Greg Perry
  21. Rick Dudley
  22. Travis King
  23. Carter Banks
  24. Jay Winton
  25. Pedro Albea
  26. Robert Mercurio
  27. Ryan Jones


  1. Scott Kincaid
  2. Dave Lipscomb
  3. Jim Russom
  4. Jeff Borgers
  5. Andy Neil
  6. Jon Zahner

Wait List

  1. Frank Hart (G)

Secure a spot in the tournament! Check out the Play in the Tournament page to figure out how.

Skill Questionnaire

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address:
Do you understand that you must contribute to cleaning up your team’s changing room and the players benches after the tournament? We need to leave the building as clean as we found it.
Do you understand that you will need to bring a white and a dark jersey to the tournament? Please do not wear gray, yellow, or gold jerseys.
Preferred Position (Remember that this cannot be guaranteed)
Do you shoot lefty or righty? Goalies, which hand do you catch with?
Your Age (Must be at least 18 years old by May 19, 2016)
Years of Playing Experience
If asked, would you be willing to serve as a captain? Your duties would include meeting to draft the teams, texting information to your team, setting lines and strategies for your team, etc.
What levels of hockey/inline hockey have you played?
Please provide any other information about your skill level which may be helpful to team captains during the player draft. Assume they’ve never seen you play.


Create a web form here

Secure a spot in the tournament! Pay your tournament fee by clicking the “Donate” button after filling out a player questionnaire now!

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